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£5000 Awarded to CARE Community Support Drop-In Service, Thanks to Sister's of St Joseph of Peace

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

A great big thank-you to Sister's of St Joseph of Peace, for their generosity in awarding us £5000 towards our Community Support drop-in service.

Our drop-in service supports the most vulnerable in our community, struggling with the most complex needs, including poverty, homelessness, debt, disability, illness, domestic abuse, care leavers, isolation amongst older people, victims of crime, and those in mental health crisis.

Our support officers are on hand to assist people who walk in off the street with whatever query, worry or support they may need. This could be help with accessing our services, which are; sourcing and accessing housing, receiving a food donation, or accessing other foodbanks, utility relief top up, furniture and essential item donations and access to our longer term 1:1 community support service.

Community drop-in is available 5 days a week 10am-1pm, from 18 Hainton Avenue, Grimsby, DN32 9BB.

People come in off the street with nowhere else to turn with problems such as; relationship breakdown, accessing benefits, accessing health services, accessing mental and physical health support, reading, and understanding letters, managing utilities, understanding medical assessments, help with domestic abuse and emotional support.

CARE are here to support people the best we can during these times of crisis. We want to support people to get to a place of security, stability, and safety and to live as independently as possible.

A great big thank-you again to The Sister's of St Joseph of Peace, for supporting CARE, our community, and helping this service continue.

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1 commentaire

31 juil. 2023

GREAT news!

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